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Mimiran CRM-- consulting lead magnets to convert visitors to leads to conversations

Your Consulting Website Has 1 Job

To get you leads. That’s it. Everything else is just for fun. (A polite way of saying “vanity metrics” or “waste of time”.) Even if you don’t get any leads directly from your consulting website (often a self-fulfilling prophecy), people … Read More

Get More Referrals

Great referrals are the best way to get consulting clients. Yet so many consultants don’t do much to actively get more referrals. How can you change this? How can you get more (and better) referrals, without feeling slimy? First, make … Read More

As a solo consultant, you don’t have time for a wide sales and marketing funnel

If you’re worried about where and when you’ll find your next client, the natural reaction is to look in more places– to go broader, and create a wider sales and marketing funnel. Unfortunately, this is like the snowboarder who starts … Read More

Have you tapped into your most powerful marketing asset?

No matter what you have to say about your services, you can never compete with your most powerful marketing asset– your clients’ own stories, in the form of case studies or testimonials. Are you using this asset? Does your website … Read More

Mimiran solution for ideal client website formula

Make Your Website More Effective in 5 minutes

Do people know if they’re in the right spot when they come to your home page? “Well, yes. It says right here I help fix business problems. If they’ve got a business, they certainly have problems, and then they know … Read More

Convert Consulting Visitors to Leads and Conversations

Your consulting website has one job: to get you leads. But once you have those leads, it’s your job to have a conversation to see if and how you can help the lead. We looked into having a Call to … Read More

Food Restaurant

What kind of restaurant is your consulting business?

What kind of question is that, anyway? Like a restaurant, you want to attract clients/patrons who will enjoy the experience, come back for more, and refer friends. You also may have to deal with people who peruse the menu and … Read More

How many seconds?

How many seconds does a visitor take on your site to figure out if they belong? If they are part of your tribe? If your offering is what they need? On mobile? Do visitors have to scroll to figure this … Read More

Lead Links: Get leads without dealing with your website

Your website has one job: to get you leads. But you may not be a webmaster, and your webmaster may have just left for Costa Rica for the year. What to do? With Lead Links, you can now let Mimiran … Read More

Client Pre-Meeting Questionnaire

Before you schedule a consultation with potential clients, do you ask for some upfront information? I have, but not as systemically as I should. I want it to be short and sweet, not overly burdensome, but enough to give a … Read More