
Create a client referral engine for your consulting business.

If you rely on referrals, what’s your referral strategy?

For years, I relied on referrals, but I wasn’t intentional about it– I didn’t have a referral strategy. I just hoped I’d get a good referral. And even if I didn’t get a good referral, I felt obliged to pursue … Read More

Mimiran CRM: positioning as a lever to make sales and marketing easier for consultants and coaches

Positioning is a lever for consultants to make sales and marketing easier

Levers are one of the basic machines you may have learned about way back in high school physics. Or, if you go back even further, the see-saw on the playground provides a visceral appreciation of leverage. If you sit further … Read More

21 Day Independence Day Challenge

Does your positioning do most of the sales and marketing work for you? Or do you have to slog to get leads and then try to close them? When your positioning is doing the work for you, you have easier … Read More

I know what I’m supposed to be doing, I’m just not doing it…

Ever been in that situation before? (Like how I was supposed to write this post a week ago, but somehow didn’t.) I’ve noticed 2 major issues when I’m having trouble getting started on something. A lot of folks make some … Read More

Consulting Positioning Easy vs Hard

Ways to define your ideal consulting client

If you don’t know who your ideal consulting clients are, how will you work with them? Not knowing your ideal client profile, and not therefore not being able to position yourself and your services to your ideal client, is the … Read More

Small Business Weekly Planning Calendar

As a small business owner, it’s hard to juggle everything, but having a weekly planning calendar helps. It’s easy to feel busy without making progress on what’s most important. You can get to the end of the week and wonder … Read More

always-be-closing beliefs are the biggest sales obstacle

Our own beliefs are the biggest sales obstacle

Sales is hard for anyone, but especially when you start your own professional services business, your own beliefs are often the biggest obstacle to sales. I started with some strange, self-limited beliefs about sales. Over time, I realized that I … Read More

professional services sales trap

The professional services sales trap

Professional services people can be great at sales (and marketing), but we often struggle. Why is that? I think it has to do with the “professional services sales trap”, which actually sets your own expertise against you. In the last … Read More

How to do sales proposals the right way

If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know there’s a lot of material on proposals. I’ve also done a lot of coaching and consulting on proposals. Each time, I tell myself I should really put this content in … Read More

Nail Your Marketing Message

Who do you help? What’s different about your approach? How can you get this message to resonate with your audience? Try this simple “Mad Libs” style marketing message generator. Just plug in values in the blanks. Play around. See if … Read More