
When does a solo consultant need a CRM?

I get this question a lot, sometimes from folks just starting out as a consultant, often as a corporate refugee, and sometimes from folks who have been consulting for a while and maybe even tried a fancy CRM that felt … Read More

Superhero supper connector

You don’t have to be superhuman to be a super connector

When I grow up, I want to be like those awesome people who always seem to be putting the right people together– super connectors. I used to think you had to be some kind of extroverted freak who actually enjoyed … Read More

Mimiran Blog: Your Not-to-do List

What’s on your Not-to-do List for 2024?

Lots of folks make resolutions to do X, Y, or Z in the New Year. Nothing wrong with that, I say. Except that you might have made similar resolutions last year. And maybe the year before that. And before that. … Read More

Don't use AI to be less human

Use AI to make you more human, not less

A lot of excitement about AI for consultants is about creating content and trying to automate relationships. But speaking (out loud or in written form) is not the same as communicating. And communicating is not the same as connecting. If … Read More

21 Day Independence Day Challenge

Does your positioning do most of the sales and marketing work for you? Or do you have to slog to get leads and then try to close them? When your positioning is doing the work for you, you have easier … Read More

How to choose between 2 consulting niches

When I ask people who their ideal client is, I often get answers like, “I serve a lot of different people/companies/industries.” That’s fine, but I wasn’t asking who you could conceivably serve– your Possible Client Profile (PCP, which is a … Read More

I know what I’m supposed to be doing, I’m just not doing it…

Ever been in that situation before? (Like how I was supposed to write this post a week ago, but somehow didn’t.) I’ve noticed 2 major issues when I’m having trouble getting started on something. A lot of folks make some … Read More

As a solo consultant, you don’t have time for a wide sales and marketing funnel

If you’re worried about where and when you’ll find your next client, the natural reaction is to look in more places– to go broader, and create a wider sales and marketing funnel. Unfortunately, this is like the snowboarder who starts … Read More

Food Restaurant

What kind of restaurant is your consulting business?

What kind of question is that, anyway? Like a restaurant, you want to attract clients/patrons who will enjoy the experience, come back for more, and refer friends. You also may have to deal with people who peruse the menu and … Read More

Are we having fun yet?

As consultants, project work is usually fun (at least if you have the right clients), but business development can seem like a slog, or even, as I thought of it, a “necessary evil”. But if you’re not having fun with … Read More