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Mimiran Blog: Your Not-to-do List

What’s on your Not-to-do List for 2024?

Lots of folks make resolutions to do X, Y, or Z in the New Year. Nothing wrong with that, I say. Except that you might have made similar resolutions last year. And maybe the year before that. And before that. … Read More

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Simple 2 Step Process for getting consulting clients it's not quantum mechanics

The secret 2 step sales process to get consulting clients: it’s not quantum mechanics!

Some consultants, especially when they are uncomfortable with the sales and marketing side of running their own practice, have a tendency to make sales more complicated than necessary. They buy lots of books, take classes, implement enterprise-level CRMs, etc. (So … Read More

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best CRM for solo consultants-- don't choose poorly

What’s the best CRM for an independent consultant?

People constantly ask me, “what’s the best CRM for independent consultants?” Actually, they usually don’t even qualify the question that much. They just ask, “what’s the best CRM?”  (“CRM” stands for Customer Relationship Management, but most folks use it more … Read More

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Generate Compelling Consulting Content from Conversations

A lot of consultants are very on board with the theory of creating compelling content for their ideal consulting clients to attract those folks online (and turn them into leads and conversations with lead magnets). But sometimes it’s hard to … Read More

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Don't use AI to be less human

Use AI to make you more human, not less

A lot of excitement about AI for consultants is about creating content and trying to automate relationships. But speaking (out loud or in written form) is not the same as communicating. And communicating is not the same as connecting. If … Read More

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The (Lack of) Fortune is in the (Lack of) Follow-up

Consulting projects are “considered purchases”, so the (lack of) follow-up is often the determining factor in the purchase decision. The larger the project, the more consideration buyers give (and the more you should give as a consultant– do you really … Read More

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Solo consultant as sales manager

As a solo consultant, you’re a sales manager (are you a good one?)

“I can’t be a sales manager! I’m a solo consultant, it’s right there in the name! I barely sell myself! I get almost all my business from referrals!” That’s the paradox. Those referral partners are your sales team. Do you … Read More

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21 Day Independence Day Challenge

Does your positioning do most of the sales and marketing work for you? Or do you have to slog to get leads and then try to close them? When your positioning is doing the work for you, you have easier … Read More

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Get More Referrals

Great referrals are the best way to get consulting clients. Yet so many consultants don’t do much to actively get more referrals. How can you change this? How can you get more (and better) referrals, without feeling slimy? First, make … Read More

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How to choose between 2 consulting niches

When I ask people who their ideal client is, I often get answers like, “I serve a lot of different people/companies/industries.” That’s fine, but I wasn’t asking who you could conceivably serve– your Possible Client Profile (PCP, which is a … Read More

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