
Create a client referral engine for your consulting business.

If you rely on referrals, what’s your referral strategy?

For years, I relied on referrals, but I wasn’t intentional about it– I didn’t have a referral strategy. I just hoped I’d get a good referral. And even if I didn’t get a good referral, I felt obliged to pursue … Read More

Mimiran CRM-- consulting lead magnets to convert visitors to leads to conversations

Your Consulting Website Has 1 Job

To get you leads. That’s it. Everything else is just for fun. (A polite way of saying “vanity metrics” or “waste of time”.) Even if you don’t get any leads directly from your consulting website (often a self-fulfilling prophecy), people … Read More

When does a solo consultant need a CRM?

I get this question a lot, sometimes from folks just starting out as a consultant, often as a corporate refugee, and sometimes from folks who have been consulting for a while and maybe even tried a fancy CRM that felt … Read More

Superhero supper connector

You don’t have to be superhuman to be a super connector

When I grow up, I want to be like those awesome people who always seem to be putting the right people together– super connectors. I used to think you had to be some kind of extroverted freak who actually enjoyed … Read More

No Referrals, Thanks, We’re All Full

So many consultants and other expert businesses rely on referrals for business development. But you wouldn’t know it. You’d think many of them were trying to avoid referrals. Have you seen folks do any of these: What do to instead?

The 2 Words You Don’t Want in Your Positioning Statement

Your positioning statement, elevator pitch, brand story, whatever you want to call it, should be doing a lot of heavy lifting for you. But there are 2 very short words that always weaken your positioning. (And I know some folks … Read More

Mimiran CRM: positioning as a lever to make sales and marketing easier for consultants and coaches

Positioning is a lever for consultants to make sales and marketing easier

Levers are one of the basic machines you may have learned about way back in high school physics. Or, if you go back even further, the see-saw on the playground provides a visceral appreciation of leverage. If you sit further … Read More

Simple 2 Step Process for getting consulting clients it's not quantum mechanics

The secret 2 step sales process to get consulting clients: it’s not quantum mechanics!

Some consultants, especially when they are uncomfortable with the sales and marketing side of running their own practice, have a tendency to make sales more complicated than necessary. They buy lots of books, take classes, implement enterprise-level CRMs, etc. (So … Read More

best CRM for solo consultants-- don't choose poorly

What’s the best CRM for an independent consultant?

People constantly ask me, “what’s the best CRM for independent consultants?” Actually, they usually don’t even qualify the question that much. They just ask, “what’s the best CRM?”  (“CRM” stands for Customer Relationship Management, but most folks use it more … Read More

Solo consultant as sales manager

As a solo consultant, you’re a sales manager (are you a good one?)

“I can’t be a sales manager! I’m a solo consultant, it’s right there in the name! I barely sell myself! I get almost all my business from referrals!” That’s the paradox. Those referral partners are your sales team. Do you … Read More