
Simple 2 Step Process for getting consulting clients it's not quantum mechanics

The Maximum Social Network Calculator

A lot of consultants invest a lot of time, money, and energy in “networking”, understandably hoping to create a strong referral circle. But often this leads to frustration, rather than results. Here’s how we can do a better job networking, … Read More

best CRM for solo consultants-- don't choose poorly

What’s the best CRM for an independent consultant?

People constantly ask me, “what’s the best CRM for independent consultants?” Actually, they usually don’t even qualify the question that much. They just ask, “what’s the best CRM?”  (“CRM” stands for Customer Relationship Management, but most folks use it more … Read More

broken bridge

Calls to Action that Convert for Independent Consultant Websites

The job of your website is simple: to get leads. But how do you convert visitors to leads (and leads to conversations)? You present a Call to Action (CTA), so the visitor can take a natural next step. That CTA … Read More

Are we having fun yet?

As consultants, project work is usually fun (at least if you have the right clients), but business development can seem like a slog, or even, as I thought of it, a “necessary evil”. But if you’re not having fun with … Read More


Proposal Webinar

Do you get butterflies when a prospect asks for a proposal? I did, too. I knew the proposal was a necessary step, so I liked getting the request, I just didn’t like going off and writing the darn thing. That’s … Read More

Client Pre-Meeting Questionnaire

Before you schedule a consultation with potential clients, do you ask for some upfront information? I have, but not as systemically as I should. I want it to be short and sweet, not overly burdensome, but enough to give a … Read More

Are you a spy? doctor? consultant? or salesman?

Your title says Consultant on your LinkedIn profile, but what does the rest of your profile say? What about your website? Many consultants act like spies, hiding what they do, or doctors, who will tell you if you ask, but … Read More

Turn away bad consulting “prospects”: or else

If prospects are good, more prospects must be better, right? Not so fast. Most consultants don’t need more prospects, they need better prospects. (And it turns out that what you do to get better prospects, will lead you to get … Read More

Office Hours: Positioning, Messaging, Mission, and Your Story

Join me at 2CT on Friday, January 22nd for a 45 minute session on how to make sales and marketing easier by nailing your positioning. You’ll come out of this session understanding how to use positioning and messaging to generate … Read More

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