Lead Capture

Update Lead Capture Widgets for Asynchronous Javascript

The old Lead Capture Widgets have a drawback– synchronous Javascript that can slow down the page loading time for your visitors (and for Google). Fortunately, those Widgets now offer asynchronous Javascript, do your page loads without having to wait on … Read More

Can I change the style and content of the Lead Capture Buttons?

Yes. You can style the buttons and the pop-up to match your brand. You also control the text on the button and the pop-up, and you can specify which fields are required, which are optional, and which are hidden. For … Read More

How can I put Lead Capture Buttons on my website?

When you create the button in Mimiran, you’ll get a single line of javascript to insert into your website. You can see this javascript by clicking on the Widget record in Mimiran, right under “Embedding in Your Website”. If you … Read More

Can I put Lead Capture Buttons on my website?

Yes, that’s the whole idea! A lot of companies that sell services and solutions that you can’t simply buy online are not very good at giving visitors a compelling call to action (CTA). Contact forms are off-putting. These Lead Capture … Read More