social network

Create a client referral engine for your consulting business.

If you rely on referrals, what’s your referral strategy?

For years, I relied on referrals, but I wasn’t intentional about it– I didn’t have a referral strategy. I just hoped I’d get a good referral. And even if I didn’t get a good referral, I felt obliged to pursue … Read More

Superhero supper connector

You don’t have to be superhuman to be a super connector

When I grow up, I want to be like those awesome people who always seem to be putting the right people together– super connectors. I used to think you had to be some kind of extroverted freak who actually enjoyed … Read More

No Referrals, Thanks, We’re All Full

So many consultants and other expert businesses rely on referrals for business development. But you wouldn’t know it. You’d think many of them were trying to avoid referrals. Have you seen folks do any of these: What do to instead?

Don't use AI to be less human

Use AI to make you more human, not less

A lot of excitement about AI for consultants is about creating content and trying to automate relationships. But speaking (out loud or in written form) is not the same as communicating. And communicating is not the same as connecting. If … Read More

Solo consultant as sales manager

As a solo consultant, you’re a sales manager (are you a good one?)

“I can’t be a sales manager! I’m a solo consultant, it’s right there in the name! I barely sell myself! I get almost all my business from referrals!” That’s the paradox. Those referral partners are your sales team. Do you … Read More

Get More Referrals

Great referrals are the best way to get consulting clients. Yet so many consultants don’t do much to actively get more referrals. How can you change this? How can you get more (and better) referrals, without feeling slimy? First, make … Read More

Consulting Positioning Easy vs Hard

Ways to define your ideal consulting client

If you don’t know who your ideal consulting clients are, how will you work with them? Not knowing your ideal client profile, and not therefore not being able to position yourself and your services to your ideal client, is the … Read More

Introvert's Edge Guide to Networking

The Introvert’s Edge to Networking

If there was something I hated more than “selling”, it was probably “networking”. Now, Matthew Pollard, author of The Introvert’s Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone, is back with a new book, The Introvert’s Edge to Networking. … Read More

The most valuable page on your consulting website?

What’s the most valuable page on your consulting website? And how would you know? Wouldn’t it be nice to know which pages convert visitors to leads who go on to buy your services, and how much they buy? Now you … Read More

Call Scripts for People Who Hate “Selling”

Call scripts get a bad rap, because they can be terrible, especially if you use them wrong. But call scripts can be really useful to: Give you a game plan for a call, instead of struggling over what to say. … Read More