For years, as my more digitally-literate friends talked about the wonders of blogging, I never understood why anyone cared. We get bombarded with enough junk without going out of our way to find more, I reasoned. While many blogs are simply entertainment, stream-of-consciousness, or sheer venting, some of them actually have useful information, like Seth Godin’s. Still, blogging is a lot of work, and a lot of people blog enthusiastically for a week or two, and then never post again. Why should this be different?
Well, some of my newsletter (see link on the sidebar) readers have pointed out that much of my newsletter consists of actual news. This news happens on a nearly continuous basis, and these kind, wise folks have suggested that it might be good to get this pricing news as it happens, instead of in a huge chunk every quarter. This way, there will always be timely, relevant content. Anything else that I add above and beyond that is, well, above and beyond. Given the number of thoughts I have on pricing (far too many), 99% of which never make it to a paper or article, this might be a good way to air some of those ideas in a less formal forum.
So, here we are, hopefully adding some Dollars and Sense to your pricing activties.