Get More Referrals

"Your referrals report may be the most value asset in your business."
Stacey Brown Randall
Stacey Brown Randall
Author, Generating Business Referrals Without Asking
Mimiran Referral Report

If your business runs on referrals, why not be strategic about it?

And why do traditional CRMs make this so hard?

Mimiran bakes referrals into the system, so it’s easy to see who referred whom, and how much business came from the referral.

You also get tools to help you stay connected to the people who refer you business, so you get more referrals.

Start growing referrals (and your practice)
Contact Referrals
Mimiran deal record

Build Your First Referral Report in Minutes

Add past deals, projects you won through partners on their paper, and other revenue sources that didn’t flow through Mimiran’s e-signature capability (those get tracked automatically).

Make Yourself More Referrable

Nail your Mission & Positioning so you stick in the minds of referral partners.

Mimiran makes it easy and generates sample marketing copy for your:

  • Elevator Pitch
  • Home Page
  • About Me Page
  • Lead Magnet (you can even generate the Lead Magnet itself)
  • Call Scripts
  • LinkedIn Profile & More
Mimiran CRM Mission and Positioning Tool
Mimiran CRM referral profile form for contacts

Make More Referrals

  • Ideal Client and Ideal Partner profiles for every contact.
  • Forms let contacts update referral profile information.
  • Search referral profiles to make more, better connections.


More than referrals,
finally CRM for people who love serving clients but hate "selling"

Traditional CRM is built for big sales teams, not people who have to deliver actual client results.

Along with helping you grow your referral business, Mimiran lets you:

  • Get more leads (and conversations) from your website.
  • Have more conversations with people you already know (no cold calling)
  •  Get more clients with proposal templates, online proposals, e-signature and more.
  • Stay on top of your business development with a dashboard that’s actually helpful,  a call queue to help you make far more calls
Mimiran CRM tracks referrals and offers mobile solution

Free Resources

Get help growing your business (not your stress) with these handy resources:

See more resources under the creatively named “Resources” tab.