How do I integrate with

Under the Admin & More menu, select Import Data.

Click the Set Up Integration button.

Enter your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. If you haven’t already set up your Connected App in Salesforce, follow these steps, which will lead to you getting your key and secret.

  1. Login to Salesforce, and click your username in the upper right. Click on the Setup menu item.
  2. Click Create > Apps.
  3. Under Connected Apps at the bottom of the main panel, click New.
    1. Enter settings for the App Name and API Name. You do not need to enter any of the URL fields.

    2. Select the checkbox to Enable OAuth Settings.

    3. Enter the callback url, which is of the form NOTE: replace “mydomain” in the URL with your Mimiran subdomain. For example, if your Mimiran account is at “”, your callback URL would be “”. If you do not enter your subdomain correctly, you will not be able to connect.

    4. Select the “Access and manage your data (api)” and “Perform request on your behalf at any time (refresh_token)” OAuth Scopes and click the Add button to move that scope to the Selected OAuth Scopes list.

    5. Click Save.

  4. You can now copy and paste your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into Mimiran and connect.


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