CRM integration with Mimiran Online Proposals is a nifty SaaS CRM app focused on improving the productivity of each individual sales rep. Sounds like a nice philosophical fit, right? A joint customer thought so, too, and asked if the two systems could talk to each other. Since recently released their API, the answer is yes.

This integration does 2 things:

  1. Pull Lead and Contact records into Mimiran for use in proposals. Mimiran does not write to these records in
  2. Syncs Mimiran proposal activity back to leads and opportunities.
One of the great advantages of Mimiran is that you know when prospects are reading your proposals, so you can call them at just the right time. And with, you can literally click a button to call your prospects when they are reading your proposal (and the call gets logged automatically!)

Setting up your integration in Mimiran is easy.

1. Click on the Import Data tab and then click the Setup Integration button.

2. Enter your API key. To find your API key in, click on your user name in the upper right corner, then click Settings > API Keys. Copy the key into the text field in Mimiran.

3. Click OK.

Syncing Leads and Contacts

Click Sync to download new data, or Redownload All to start from scratch. This will import your lead and contact data from into customer and contact records in Mimiran.

Create Your Proposal

Now create your proposal as you normally would. Your contacts are available to select as a contact for the proposal.


Mimiran Syncs Your Proposal Activity Back to

  1. Your proposal is reflected as an opportunity in (You can also tie a proposal to an existing opportunity.)
  2. As your prospects interacts with your proposal, that activity shows up in
  3. It’s a great time to take advantage of’s built-in Call capability!

Now you can really get great sales productivity, all the way from tracking leads to closing the deal.




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